Retirement Income Videos On-Demand


What follows are retirement income videos intended to be conversation-starters.   I am not suggesting that you share this page with a client.  Your busy business owner might prefer a series of these videos, one short video delivered weekly.  If you feel that is in the best interest of your client, just let me know.

Retirement income, for an Adamsson Associate, needs to fund a one-year retirement--every seventh year.  You do not think like most, if not all, of your clients.  Nonetheless, their retirement income requirements are to be your retirement income requirements.  Deliver a retirement planning experience for them that satisfies, and that they tell others about, and you will satisfy your own sabbatical planner reqs, in the process.

Finally, remember that we Adamsson Associates are team players.  Do not pretend to be something you are not.  As a project portfolio manager, you might quarterback the team, you might not.  One thing is for sure, you are not the whole team.  Or, at least you shouldn't be.  Engage with the legal, tax, and wealth advisors that are already in place.

Social Security Income Benefits

If you are beginning to plan your retirement income, and want to be sure that you get the most out of your Social Security benefits, watch this video to learn what your options are, as well as when and how to begin taking income for maximum benefit.

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Your Retirement Tax Strategy

If you don't like paying any more taxes than you legally need to, and you do not yet have a "retirement tax strategy" - watch this short video to discover substantial tax benefits available to people over the age of 60 that most tax advisors know too little about.

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Take the Highest Payout from Your Pension Plan

If you are married, approaching retirement, and have a pension plan with various payout options, watch this short video to learn how you can take the highest payout  for the rest of your life without excluding your spouse.


Your Retirement Income Risk

If your retirement income is or will be dependent on stock or bond performance . . . watch this short video to learn why a reliable source of income that will last for as long as you live might well be at risk of running out of money.

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Four Questions to Protect Your Retirement Savings

If you are recently retired or preparing to retire, and realize that there is much misinformation and misunderstanding about how your retirement savings must be converted into retirement income, then watch this short video to learn the four questions you need to ask yourself before making any decisions.

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Guaranteed Lifetime Income Contracts

If you are saving and investing money for retirement, and you are at all concerned with market risk and the safety of your money, watch this short video to learn about and understand the retirement contracts that guarantee lifetime income without investment risk.

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Tax Deferral, Market Risk, and Investment Fees

If you are saving money for retirement in a tax deferred 401k, 403b, or IRA invested in mutual funds or any sort of "managed" account, watch this video to discover the real cost of deferred taxation, market risk, and investment expenses.

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Income Annuity (SPIA)

If you are retired or approaching retirement, and you want a guaranteed monthly income you can never outlive, watch this video to learn how you can convert any amount of retirement savings into a guaranteed pay check for the rest of your life.

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Retirement Income and Inflation Protection

If you are approaching retirement or already retired, and you want to be sure that you never run out of money and that inflation does not erode real value of your income, watch this short video to learn how you can optimize your retirement income without investment or inflation risk.

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Retirement Savings Without Investment Losses

If you are saving money for retirement, and you are at all concerned about the safety of your money, watch this video to learn how you can be guaranteed to save, grow, and protect your money against investment losses, economic downturns, and excessive management fees.

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Guaranteed Lifetime Income Withdrawals

If you are approaching retirement or already retired, and you are looking for the highest and surest way to withdraw money from your retirement savings, watch this video to learn how you can get guaranteed fixed income withdrawals for as long as you live, and without the risk of running out of money.

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Safe Money Income Alternative to Bank CDs

If you use the interest you earn on a Certificate of Deposit to supplement your retirement income, and you would like to earn a higher rate of interest without giving up insured security, then watch this video to learn about a Safe Money Income Alternative to bank account Certificates of Deposit.

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Converting Your IRA into Tax Free Inheritance

If you have accumulated a substantial sum in your tax deferred retirement account, and you want to leave that money to your family without losing up to 50% in taxes, watch this video to learn how you can convert any IRA, 401k or 403b account into a tax free bequest or inheritance.

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IRS Approved Tax Free Old Age "Safety Net"

If you have money in an IRA, 401k, 403b or 457 account, and you want to be sure that it will last into your 80s or 90s . . . watch this short video to learn how the IRS allows you to use up to 25% of that money to fund an old age "safety net".

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Convert Home Equity into Tax Free Income

If you are over the age of 62, and your home mortgage is either paid off or within 10 years of being paid off, watch this video to learn how you can pay off your mortgage immediately (eliminating future payments) and convert your home equity into a a tax free cash reserve or a lifetime monthly income.

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Tax Exempt Cash Reserve for Elder Care Expenses

If you want to be prepared for the possibility that in your later years you might need home nursing care or assistance with daily living activities due to physical or cognitive impairment, watch this short video to learn how you can double or triple your current financial reserves - tax free.

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Old Age Income Protection

If you are retired or preparing to retire, and you are concerned that you might live well into your 90s or beyond, and possibly run out of money, watch this short video to learn how you can arrange a small portion of your current assets to guarantee your income for as long as you live.

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Q: Why would a business owner buy long term care insurance,
when the business could buy it for them?

A Short Course in Long Term Planning book cover

Yours, with our thanks for answering 2 quick LTC questions.