Yes, in the video I mention retirement every seven years. But, only for a year. And, only if you want to. So . . .
Want to? Yes? Great!
Now, that will require some planning, right? And, maybe some changes? A different retirement calculator, perhaps?
You might be thinking, "Finally, I have found someone who will listen to me and not tell me I'm crazy!"
Hey, you've been looking for us? Rest assured,
You are in the right place. Living counter-culturally requires community, support, encouragement. We don't have all the answers, even after 3 complete business cycles. Every sabbatical year has been unique. Every sabbatical year has been
imperfect. We don't beat ourselves up when we fail. Rather, we approach this all as a gift, and with a sense of humor. The last thing we want to be for us and our kids, or for you and yours, is heavy-handed. Hey, if you start early enough--
you could get seven tries. Maybe even eight!
So, back to planning. Would you like to hear about ours? What we plan and deliver is called a RestEquity Plan. And, we use the word "rest" acrostically to organize it.
R educe Costs
E liminate Consumer Debt
S ave for 7 retirements, (maybe 8)
T ransfer the financial risks of living too long, dying too soon, or losing income to illness, injury, or economic downturn.
Download our Financial Picture form, as a first step. Fill it out completely, save it to your system, then return it securely using our encrypted document transfer.
Yours, with our thanks for answering 2 quick LTC questions.