R E S T Equity Retirement Services

We are nationally-certified and multi-state licensed to plan and deliver:

  • R isk Transfers
  • E state Planning Documents
  • S afe Money Alternatives (to Social Security)
  • T ax-Free Retirement Planning

that is Adamsson Associates.  But first , 


did you know Financial equity is not what you own? It does not equal your possessions.


"Financial equity is not what you have in your pocket.
Rather, it's the price I would have to pay you to have it in my pocket, instead." 
J L Adamsson, Flynancial Times, May, 2021 Edition

That's why equity, financially-speaking, is always expressed in dollar signs.


Now, that money I just gave you . . . how many of those dollars do you get to keep and spend as you wish, and how many of those dollars do you immediately have to turn around and surrender to pay off debts?

Let's be honest.  Until you reduce costs and are debt free, you can only dream of retirement plans and estate plans that guarantee a quality of life you are used to, and that will pass along a little something to your next generation.


That sounds harsh, doesn't it?  It's a harsh reality, is it not?  Actually, we know because we've been there.  Of course, we'll help you 

  • transfer your risks
  • coordinate your estate plan
  • secure your savings from loss in a bank that you own, and 
  • set you up for a tax-free retirement

If those are important to you, they're important to us.  However,

those will all have better and more desirable outcomes if Adamsson Associates can first help you with:

Our 36-month  Rest equity Plan to . . .

R educe Healthcare Costs,
E liminate Revolving Debts, so you can
S tart saving money, for a change, and
T ransfer the financial risks of losing what you already have by:

  • living too long, 
  • dying too soon, or
  • losing income to illness/injury/economic downturn.

On average, our RestEquity plan finds $600 to $800 that are already leaving your pocket Every month, and turns them into equity. Every month!

You heard "every month," right?  How does that sound to you?  What would an extra $600 to $800 every month look like, to you?  How would that feel, to you?

let's start looking up for a change, ok?

Download our Financial Picture form.  As a matter of best practice, this is the first step to everything we do.  Fill it out completely, save it to your system, then return it securely using our encrypted document transfer

Q: Why would a business owner buy long term care insurance,
when the business could buy it for them?

A Short Course in Long Term Planning book cover

Yours, with our thanks for answering 2 quick LTC questions.

Disclaimer Regarding Medicare Advantage Plans 

We are multi-state licensed, and headquartered in Minnesota.  Here, in MN, we represent 7 organizations which offer 45 Medicare Advantage products. You can always contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program for help with plan choices.

Disclaimer Regarding Medicare Supplements 

We are multi-state licensed, and headquartered in Minnesota. we do not offer every Medicare supplement available in Every area. Currently we represent 10 out of 13 organizations which offer Medicare supplements in MN.  Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options.

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