to our
PlanEnroll 5-3-1

A non-government entity

We are required to inform you that this video is not affiliated with or endorsed by any government agency.
Plan features and availability may vary by service area.

SIDEBAR: If you prefer, you may download a fillable/printable pdf version of this online form and send it to our mailing address.  For your security, however, please do not attach your completed pdf form to an un-encrypted email.  Use our secure online document transfer, instead.  At any time, you may also right-click and print this page for your records.

permission to contact

By Providing My Contact Information, I Agree To Allow An Independent And State-Licensed Adamsson Associate To Contact Me Regarding Medicare Options, Or To Enroll Me In A Plan That Best Fits My Needs.

I Understand That My Adamsson Associate Will Be Discussing Plan Options With Me And May Be Compensated Based On Enrolling Me In A Plan, But Will Not Be Compensated For His or Her Services if I Choose Not To Enroll, Or Choose To Enroll Myself Without His or Her Services.

More about medicare

Medicare Advantage comes with or without a Prescription Drug Plan, (PDP,) and is either a Health Management Organization, (HMO,) or a Preferred Provider Organization, (PPO,) or a Medical Savings Account, (MSA.)

These plans, as well as Medicare Supplements and Cost Plans, are all private insurance with a Medicare contract.

A Special Needs Plan, (SNP's) has a contract with State Medicaid programs in addition to a Medicare contract with the Federal government.

Enrollment depends on contract renewal. Plan features and availability may vary by service area.

See the "Evidence of Coverage" for a complete description of any plan's benefits, exclusions, limitations, and conditions of coverage.


Our PlanEnroll 5-3-1 Process

PlanEnroll 5-3-1 is the process by which an Adamsson Associate independently researches the 40 to 50 plan options that may be available and visually displays the top 5 choices, based on client responses in the Discovery Call interview.

The client eliminates 2 of the 5 choices, and a more granular study and comparison is performed on the remaining 3, considering Rx costs, preferred pharmacy, durable medical equipment vendors, chronic conditions, lifestyle.

Two more choices are then eliminated, leaving the right Medicare plan for the client, at the time.  PlanEnroll 5-3-1 is a visual process of elimination that consumers seem to appreciate.

Here are a few comments from our existing clients.

You should know that PlanEnroll 5-3-1 is not affiliated with or endorsed by any government agency.

Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a five-star rating system.  Consequently,

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE (TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (except some federal holidays) to get information on all of your options.

The PlanEnroll531 and Adamsson Associates websites are operated by J L Adamsson, a licensed health insurance agent based in Minnesota, license #40497770; and in Wisconsin, license #18156849; and in Michigan, license #18156849; and in Iowa, license #18156849; and in Alaska, license #18156849; and in Arizona, license #18156849.

J L Adamsson represents Medicare Advantage [HMO, PPO, PFFS, and PDP] organizations that have a Medicare contract. PlanEnroll531 and Adamsson Associates, are not affiliated with the Federal government. Enrollment in any plan depends on contract renewal .

Not all plans offer all of these benefits. Benefits may vary by carrier and location. Limitations and exclusions may apply.

PLEASE NOTE: Medicare Supplement insurance is available to those age 65 and older enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B and, in some states, to those under age 65 eligible for Medicare due to disability, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) or End-Stage Renal disease.

Medicare supplement plans cannot be held with Medicare Advantage plans.

The purpose of this communication is the solicitation of insurance. Contact will be made by an insurance agent/producer or insurance company.

Medicare supplement plans are not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or the federal Medicare program.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) does not review or approve Medicare Supplement plan information.

SIDEBAR: If you prefer, you may download a fillable/printable pdf version of this online form and send it to our mailing address.  For your security, however, please do not attach your completed pdf form to an un-encrypted email.  Use our secure online document transfer, instead.  At any time, you may also right-click and print this page for your records.


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